Lost a pet?
If your pet has gone missing, please check your county shelter! Per the Ohio Revised Code, strays are held at the shelter or in a foster home for a minimum of 72 hours. If you believe any of these are your lost pet, please contact the shelter immediately in person or by phone at 513-541-PETS (7387)
If you do not see your lost pet on our lost pet pages, please file an official LOST PET FORM as found HERE.
Get Involved
There are so many ways you can support the homeless animals of Hamilton County!
On-call 24/7 to provide animal control services to Hamilton County.

Our mission & vision
Sheltering a different way.
Cincinnati Animal CARE meets the immediate needs of animals in our community through individualized care, life-saving solutions, and temporary shelter en-route to a safe, compatible home! As your Hamilton County Animal Shelter, we envision a community where all animals are valued, protected, and have a safe place to call home.
Visit our Blog
Finding Forever: Geraldine’s Foster-to-Adopt Journey with Segundo
Finding Forever: Geraldine’s Foster-to-Adopt Journey with Segundo At Cincinnati Animal CARE, we believe in finding the best possible homes for […]
Donations of Used Items: What Cincinnati Animal CARE Can and Can’t Accept
Donating Used Items: What Cincinnati Animal CARE Can and Can’t Accept At Cincinnati Animal CARE, we are incredibly grateful for […]
Inside the No-Kill 2025 Movement at Cincinnati Animal CARE: Defining No-Kill
Inside the No-Kill 2025 Movement at Cincinnati Animal CARE: Defining No-Kill At Cincinnati Animal CARE (CAC), we are proud to […]