Featuring CanisMajor

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View Canis Major the Dog Photo #0
Goes by:
Canis Major
I'm a:
Looks Like:
Mixed Breed, Medium (up to 44 lbs fully grown)
Primary Coat Color:
Estimated Age:
3 Month(s)
8 pounds
Reference Num:
Foster Home
What We Think We Know About Canis Major

Every animal at Cincinnati Animal CARE is assessed on an individual basis. We're still getting to know CanisMajor and a full assessment has not yet been recorded, but please feel free to visit the shelter at 3949 Colerain Ave or 4210 Dane Ave in Northside any day between 1:00 PM - 6:00 PM. Our Animal Care staff, Adoption Counselors, and Behavior and Training team are standing by to answer any questions you may have.

Please note all cat operations are now exclusively at our 4210 Dane Ave location.

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