Our Impact

Showing Cincinnati Animal CARE's community engagement efforts.

Press Releases


Friday, October 4, 2024 (Cincinnati, Ohio) — Cincinnati Animal CARE, in partnership with BISSELL, have stepped up in response to a national call for lifesaving solutions to assist in the relief efforts for Hurricane Helene’s hardest hit areas by providing space for 83 cats and kittens to be transported from Tift County Animal Control, in Tift County, Georgia.


Monday, July 1, 2024 (Cincinnati, Ohio) Cincinnati Animal CARE (CAC), operator of Hamilton County’s only open-intake animal shelter, is thrilled to announce that their bid for the animal services contract for Hamilton County has been accepted, and now moves into the contracting phase.


Tuesday, July 16, 2024 (Cincinnati, Ohio) CAC will waive adoption fees through Sunday, July 21st, in response to a record setting month of dog intake. CAC is on pace to take in 450 dogs this July, more than 100 dogs over any previous July in the history of  the organization.The surge is believed to be due to the Fourth of July holiday and Hurricane Beryl.

Video Production

pond thanksgiving

Pond's Thanksgiving Dinner in Kennel

This viral video helped our single-animal home girlie, Pond, get adopted. NOT because her future adopter saw it, but because it helped CAC staff, volunteers, and fosters become invested in her story and push her for adoption to the right family.

tony hawk

Campaign Kick-off Video for Tony Hawk

This is the kick-off video to Tony Hawk's adoption campaign. As a wheel-chair dog coming up on his 3rd year in care, we knew he needed an extra push to be adopted. This campaign ultimately helped Tony find his current home!

over capacity

Our Shelter Director Explains 'Capacity'

As a no-kill shelter, we are always are transparent with our community about how our animals are living on-site and the need for foster homes. A shelter is not a home, and when we have dogs living in pop-up crates in our garage, it's all hands on deck.

Campaign Flyers

Our Top 5 Campaign Flyers from 2024

cincinnati animal care black friday adoption promotion event graphic
pop up graphic for trunk or treat event with cincinnati animal care
big dog foster to adopt and foster campaign
dog days of summer adoption promo cincinnati animal care august 2024
cincinnati animal care giving tuesday 2024

Photo Albums


Vaccine Clinic

Our Community Support team runs quarterly free vaccine clinics in Price Hill, a community we've used data to target as one that needs animal support services.

cincinnati animal care black friday adoption promotion event graphic

Community Engagement

From in-person and on-site events to off-site adoption events and news appearances, the small-yet0-mighty Community Engagement team at CAC made people see us in 2024.


Dog Warden Services

Our Call Center answered 100,000+ calls in 2024. Our Field Service agents were dispatched to 16,195 of those! Whether it’s a concerned citizen or an animal in crisis, we’re here to help.

Emergency Preparedness Brochure

Our Community Support team provides many vital resources to our community, including education materials about how to keep pets safe.

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Black Friday Booklet 'Brochure'

During our Black Friday on-site adoption promotion, these brochures helped promote adoptable cats and dogs while keeping people entertained waiting in line and advertising our partner organizations.

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Foster Brochure

Our team uses this educational brochure to help recruit new fosters while out at events.

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Apply to become a foster with CAC!

Open your heart and home to the homeless animals of Hamilton County. With over 8,000 animals arriving at the shelter every year, our foster families make all the difference!

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