It's the Law to License Your Dog Annually!

Having a valid dog license in the only legal way to prove ownership of your dog. Don't wait – get your Hamilton County dog license today.

Get your Hamilton County Dog License Today!

By law, (ORC 955.01), all dogs in the State of Ohio who are three months of age or older, must be licensed by January 31st of each year, or within 30 days of bringing a new dog into your family. 

Hamilton County Dog Licenses can be purchased at Cincinnati Animal CARE any day of the week between 1-6 pm. The standard licensing period runs from December 1st through January 31st. Licenses can also be purchased at the Hamilton County Auditor’s Office.

  • Dog Licenses are $19.75
  • Late Dog Licenses are $38.75

Benefits of having a valid dog license

cincinnati hamilton county dog license
You'll be a Law Abiding Citizen

It’s the law in the state of Ohio that all dogs over the age of three months must be licensed annually.

cincinnati animal care worker with a dog
Fees Support the Shelter

It supports your county animal shelter! 100% of the proceeds from license purchases benefit the shelter.

cincinnati animal care foster parents with foster dog at home
You'll Be Reunited Quicker

If worn on your dog's collar, the license acts as an ID that can get your dog home, if your dog is lost.

cincinnati animal care animal control officers dog wardens field services team
Cheaper than the Alternative

License fees are cheaper than fines and citations for not having a valid county dog license!

Don't wait – get your dog license today!

Having a valid dog license in the only legal way to prove ownership of your dog. Don't wait – get your Hamilton County dog license today!

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