Is your pet lost? Start here.
Losing a pet is an animal owner's worst nightmare. Luckily, we have tools and resources to help you.

File a lost report on Petco Love Lost
Petco Love Lost is free and easy to use. Owners can upload photos of lost pets, a person can upload photos of pets they found, and shelters can upload all animals in their shelters. The software matches photos and then contacts all parties involved of the match! Take advantage of other Lost Pet Services like PawBoost and PetFBI. These services are easily accessible and free.

Search your neighborhood
Lost pets are typically found within 1 mile of where they went missing. Speak to your neighbors, alert them of your missing pet, and ask if they have seen them. Stray animals are 78% more likely to find their home if kept in the neighborhoods where they're found. That stat drops drastically when they come to the shelter.

Check your county shelter
Your pet may have been taken to the Hamilton County Animal Shelter at 3949 Colerain Avenue or 4210 Dane Avenue. Check Cincinnati Animal CARE's Lost and Found Pets page to see if your pet has been brought in. You can also check Cincinnati Animal CARE's Lost & Found Facebook page for daily pictures of animals brought to the shelter.

Update your Microchip Info
Is your pet microchipped? Ensure their microchip is updated with your current contact information especially if you've moved or changed addresses recently! Information will be updated as soon as you submit the changes to your microchip company. Learn more about the importance of microchipping.

create and distrubute lost fliers
Create a lost flier to distribute around your neighborhood and enlist friends and family to help. Use free templates, such as this one created by 24PetWatch, and pass them out to neighbors and hang them up near the location your pet went missing.

Post in neighborhood groups
Post your pet's picture, name, date, and location lost from and your contact information on Nextdoor, Craigslist, and as many Facebook pages as possible including pages local to your community (search your part of town) and those focused on pet lost and found reports such as Cincinnati Tri-State Area Lost and Found Pets, PawBoost, and Hamilton County Pet Finder.

Don't give up!
Pets have been found years after they went missing. Your continued search effort is their best chance at finding their way back home. Once you find your pet, please be sure to remove all "missing" fliers and social media posts. If you find your pet, be sure to remove old fliers and update any social media posts that your pet has been found.